
Unleash the power within

Testimonial & Instructional Videos

EarthTides Meets HeartQuest Technology

EarthTides and Crohns

EarthTides Movie Medley

Wrapping the Probes

Lyme Disease and EarthTides

Plate Assembly

The Zapper


Newsletter Library

Your Micro-Current Device ~~~ 2024-02-19

Other Topics ~~~ 2023-12-22

Q & A ~~~ 2023-12-22

Original Units ~~~ 2023-11-02

Video For Ireland ~~~ 2023-10-28

Medication ~~~ 2023-10-19

160 Million Toxins ~~~ 2023-10-18

Smart Meters ~~~ 2023-10-08

Take Care of Your Vehicle ~~~ 2023-09-21

Healing Process ~~~ 2023-09-19

Methylene BLue ~~~ 2023-08-23

Epsom Salts ~~~ 2023-08-09

Detoxing Your Brain ~~~ 2022-11-19

Urology ~~~ 2022-09-25

120 Volt Mini EarthTides on Sale ~~~ 2022-09-24

Small and Thin ~~~ 2022-09-08

Help World Leaders ~~~ 2022-07-08

Summer Solstice ~~ 2022-06-20

Denizen Clean Atmosphere ~~~ 2022-06-16

Who is Blocking the Sun? ~~ 2022-06-06

More Health, More Freedom ~~~ 2022-05-06

Toothache? ~~~ 2022-04-14

Tests, Interviews, Sports ~~~ 2022-03-28

Sprouting is Easy and Fun ~~ 2022-01-13

Improve Immune System ~~~ 2021-11-01

No Vaccination?..You`re Fired!~~ 2021-10-01

Karen Kingston -> Covid19 ~~~~~ 2021-09-03

Blood and Covid Vaccine ~~~~~~~2021-08-14

The Gene Keys ~~~~~~~ 2021-07-13

5 Amp Fuse Requirement ~~~~~~~ 2021-07-03

Discover You the Unknown ~~~~~ 2021-06-16

Vicki, A Class on New Thought ~~~~~~~ 2021-06-09

One More Thing...Thank You ~~~~~~~ 2021-06-02

I Made a Mistake ~~~~~~~ 2021-05-18

EarthTides, Biological Warfare, Covid Injections ~~~~~~~ 2021-04-27

Campaign for Sara ~~~~~~~ 2021-04-11

April 2021 EarthTides Newsletter ~~~~~~~ 2021-04-05

I need your help to reorganize ~~~~~~~ 2021-03-12

I Think We Might Want to Wait ~~~~~~~ 2021-03-12

EarthTides (Over 50% off) during Covid19 ~~~~~~~ 2021-01-26

Dr Carrie Madej... Vaccines with RNA ???? ~~~~~~~ 2021-01-25

Dr Simone Gold & Experimental Vaccines ~~~~~~~ 2021-01-24

Vicki writes her Declaration of Independence ~~~~~~~ 2021-01-09

Tomorrow Jan 6, 2021... One Historical Day ~~~~~~~ 2021-01-05

Thank You Cate for Stepping Up ~~~~~~~ 2020-12-30

Jupiter & Saturn Kiss Dec 21 2020 ~~~~~~~ 2020-12-20

Tennessee Nurse Passes Out After C-19 Vaccine ~~~~~~~ 2020-12-17

My Most Important Newsletter (December 2020) ~~~~~~~ 2020-12-09

Are You Prepared for a Mandatory Vaccine? ~~~~~~~ 2020-11-15

Covid19 Does Not Exist! Nice Short Video ~~~~~~~ 2020-11-04

Women, Thank you for your courage. We love you. ~~~~~~~ 2020-11-01

"Your Guide to The Great Reset" Covid19, World Economic Forum, Our Freedom ~~~~~~~ 2020-10-28

November 2020 Newsletter ~~~~~~~ 2020-11-21

Watch US Medical Doctors share Covid19 Cure Now ~~~~~~~ 2020-07-28

5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity ~~~~~~~ 2020-07-23

Freedom Freedom Freedom ~~~~~~~ 2020-07-21

Face Mask Exemption Card ~~~~~~~ 2020-07-18

July 20, 2020 Monthly Newsletter ~~~~~~~ 2020-07-08

Bruce Lipton at his best ~~~~~~~ 2020-05-17

We Live in Magical Times ~~~~~~~ 2020-05-11

Creating Peace Mp3 ~~~~~~~ 2020-03-30

How to Make a Simple Zapper at Home ~~~~~~~ 2020-03-16

How to Dismantle a Virus ~~~~~~~ 2020-03-13

The Best News on the Corona Virus ~~~~~~~ 2020-03-08

My Thoughts on the Corona Virus ~~~~~~~ 2020-03-03

EarthTides February Newsletter ~~~~~~~ 2020-02-13

EarthTides January 2020 Newsletter ~~~~~~~ 2020-01-02

EarthTides Newsletter November 2019 ~~~~~~~ 2019-11-04