The Tabernacle of God - Introduction

The Tabernacle of God

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When the tabernacles were created, they were defined as a location to house certain aspects of God for safekeeping, whether that was information, tablets, receptacles. The Tabernacle of God is a place that houses God and the reason that it has been separated from any thing in life is because there was a need to understand better what God is and to come to a place where one could communicate and connect with what they thought that God is. The Tabernacle of God in this instance is something far greater than what has been used by the term tabernacle to date. The reason to use the word is because in introducing God to anyone, or anything, it was thought that first there needed to be some physical semblance of that reality - meaning the icon, the symbol, even the clay tablet, the writing, the book, the text, the sacred scriptures, the scrolls, the papyrus, the statues, the pyramids, the churches, the platforms, the holy places, the high places, the deep caves, the portals, the spacecraft, the extra-terrestrials.

All of these and countless others, which are also found in nature - the ocean, the stars, the moon, the sun, the tree, sacred union, sacred birth - are all tabernacles of God meaning that they are all ways that God was trying to be interpreted and housed as a known entity by many, and all. This is not limited to an earth plane in finding tabernacles to God. On many other planets you will find places of worship where the inhabitants go to a temple, a great hall, a light pillar, to commune with what it is they understand of as God.

God of course didn’t make any of these, they are made by any entity who chooses to attempt to find God in a world - an earth world or any other world. When you go to a house of worship or read a sacred text or lay your hands upon a symbolic representation of God, in whatever way that may be - it may be a piece of clothing that was held by a great being, it doesn’t matter - when you do that you are choosing to personify for yourself the concept of God into your external environment and to narrow the place of communication with God so that you can focus into a point of singular reference where you are communing with God. Why do people go to the top of mountains? Because they feel closer to God. Why do entities go to a house of worship? Because they feel closer to God. Why does somebody sit in an upright meditation position? Because they feel closer to God. All of these are tabernacles of God.

Now the entity is doing this because it puts it in direct communication via its creation with its God. It is not necessarily happening, it’s just that it thinks it is happening. If you go for a walk in nature you think you are one with nature, one with the earth, one with God - it’s all over. This entire section is compiled to walk into different houses of God and as we walk into each of these houses - they are not religious they are houses - what we will start to understand and recognise is that each of those houses is, in terms of the expression of God within that house, a direct representation of what those entities exposed to the house think God is. By walking into different rooms and observing these tabernacles, what we are then able to do is form a ‘compendium of thought’ with respect to tabernacles. So we see that God is represented in multitudinous houses and therefore we get to know that God is all those representations simultaneously and we build a greater house of God, a greater tabernacle than what we had before.

The march to realising God in form is as much about the direct representation of what God is and the vastness of the mind that chooses to observe its self as God. By way of example, God for me is housed in a church and I then integrate the knowingness that I am God incarnate. Then the God that I am is the one that is housed in the Church - nothing less and nothing more. As we build the connection in consciousness that we are indeed God, and it is not residing outside of us, it becomes ever more important to know what God is, and to release the limitations that God may hold anywhere and everywhere. It is not enough in this instance to merely state that God is everything, and therefore I am, because we continue to reflect the house of God based on the environment of our creation. So, heaven - the house of God as it may be termed - on earth is merely what the earth shows because it is our tabernacle to God; it is our house.

We see stars and moons and sky and universes as part of our house, but we don’t have any comprehension of what is in them - so to speak. Hence the journey into the different rooms we are about to embark upon to explore different houses which would be exploring different visions of God. These visions of God are independent of the individual’s creative imagination, meaning, as we go into each room, they are actually observed representations of tabernacles in different dimensions, planets and levels of consciousness. They are not created by the mind of the individual whose tabernacle resides on the earth.

To go further now it is important that you know God is all things to all people and as it is all things, some of the rooms will be foreign and may seem a misrepresentation of God based on the point of reference that you currently reside in. When we move into those rooms it is important to observe and not judge because I cannot filter the true representation of these tabernacles in certain circumstances to fit what anyone thinks is a true representation of God.

Before reading any further, close your eyes, breathe deeply and fully, and look with your mind’s eye at a number of doors that are positioned in an arc around you, not a circle a semicircle. As you look at each of those doors - number is eight, currently - look at each door and see it opening inward to a room that lays behind it. Don’t step into the room, just look at the door opening inward into the room, and when you see the door open move to the next room in your semicircle.

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